Noelle Russell

After A Dog Attack: What You Need To Know

After an attack by a dog, there are some important things you need to do immediately. The owner of the dog will inevitably be responsible for your injuries, so you need to make sure everything is properly reported and documented. The following are some of the things you need to do after you are attacked by a dog: Report the Dog Attack to Law Enforcement Right after the attack occurs, you need to call the police if you are able.

Five Ways To Avoid Getting A Ticket When Pulled Over For Speeding

Everyone speeds now and then. Maybe you're rushing to work and hoping to cut a few minutes off your commute, or perhaps you're just not thinking, and your foot sinks lower on the pedal than it should. In any event, getting pulled over for speeding can be frustrating since you see the cost of a ticket looming in your future. But the thing is, not everyone who gets pulled over for speeding actually gets a ticket.

5 Auto Accident Situations That Are Hard To Defend Yourself From

No two car accidents are the same, since there are several factors that go into determining who was at fault for the crash. Here are 5 different situations that you may find yourself in, which will be difficult to come up with a defense for. Rear End Accidents One type of accident that will have a difficult defense is when your vehicle rear ends another vehicle. The general rule is that the person driving behind the hit vehicle is the one responsible for the accident, which is typically due to following too close to the other vehicle.

3 Things Every Driver Should Know About Multi-Car Pileups

Multi-car pileups have made the news all too often in recent months. While most of these accidents were determined to be related to extreme winter weather conditions, they also happen all too regularly on sunny days with perfectly dry pavement conditions. When multiple vehicle accident happens in conditions where weather is not a factor, they are often found to have been caused by the action of just one driver. In some cases, this driver may have swerved suddenly to avoid an animal or obstacle in the roadway and bumped another car, starting the horrible chain reaction.

Answers To Auto Accident Lawsuit Questions

In a fraction of a second, a car accident will be able to cause major damages to your vehicle and severe injuries to you. After one of these accidents, you will need to be prepared for what may be involved with pursuing justice following your accident. While you are evaluating your options, you will need to review some basic questions about the legal aspects of pursuing compensation after an auto accident.

Hiring A Personal Injury Attorney After Getting Attacked By A Dog

If you get injured but it's not your fault, you may need to hire a personal injury attorney. This is especially true if there is another party involved and they were negligent and have refused to take responsibility for the injury you sustained. While filing a personal injury claim seems like it is going to take a lot of time and money, you might be interested to know that the average compensation for these types of claims is $52,900.

Tis The Season: How To Protect Yourself Against Personal Injury Claims Resulting From Your Parties

Tis the season of merriment. If you're in the festive spirit, it's time to start planning your parties. While holiday parties can be a great way to get together with friends and family, it can also be a great way to find yourself at the wrong end of a personal injury case. The last thing you want to do is end the holiday season with a summons to court. The best way to do that is to take precautionary measures to keep your guests safe at your parties.

Motorcycle Accident Attorneys: Get The Settlement You Deserve

It's a beautiful, sunny day. You're cruising along on your motorcycle. The wind is on your face, the road feels smooth beneath the bike, and you're having the time of your life – until you notice the vehicle behind you is getting a little too close. Before you have time to move out of the way, you've been hit. You wake up in the hospital with multiple injuries and thousands of dollars in debt.

Examples Of Loss Of Normal Life Damages In An Injury Claim

If you have been injured in an accident, expect numerous changes to your life that go beyond financial loss or treatment costs. The manner and extent of the disruption in your post-accident life depend on the extent of your injuries as well as the kind of life you used to lead before the accident. Here are some of the potential disruptions: Reduced Mobility Some types of injuries may interfere with your mobility and make it difficult for you to move around.

Filing For Worker's Compensation? Two Signs That You Need To Hire An Attorney

Becoming injured while you're fulfilling your responsibilities at work can be a devastating thing. Not only does it mean that you could possibly need to be out of work for quite some time, but the ramifications could actually extend far beyond just your career. The injury might be impairing other parts of your life as well, making it difficult for you to do things that were once so easy. Filing for worker's compensation is a good way for you to receive financial assistance to help you through this difficult time.