Filing For Worker's Compensation? Two Signs That You Need To Hire An Attorney

Becoming injured while you're fulfilling your responsibilities at work can be a devastating thing. Not only does it mean that you could possibly need to be out of work for quite some time, but the ramifications could actually extend far beyond just your career. The injury might be impairing other parts of your life as well, making it difficult for you to do things that were once so easy. Filing for worker's compensation is a good way for you to receive financial assistance to help you through this difficult time. [Read More]

Why You Should Hire A Personal Injury Attorney For Automobile Accident Injuries

Being involved in an automobile accident can have a traumatic impact on your life, as well as jeopardize your finances. An auto accident occurs every few seconds, fortunately, many of them result in simple fender benders without injury. However, in many situations an auto accident can result in serious, even life-threatening injuries due to the negligence of someone else. If you have been involved in an automobile accident, it may be in your best interest to contact a personal injury attorney who specializes in auto accidents. [Read More]

Does Sexual Assault Qualify For Workers Compensation Benefits?

Approximately one out of four women and one out of six men experience sexual assault in their lifetimes. Since most people spend a lot of time at their workplaces, it's inevitable some may experience sexual violence from coworkers or bosses while on the job. One question that comes up in this situation is whether this type of injury qualifies for workers compensation benefits. It depends on a couple of factors. [Read More]

Utilizing A Car Accident Attorney

Being involved in an accident that is not your fault is a scary and often tragic experience. It is important that you call the authorities as soon as possible. When you talk to the authorities they are going to ask if there is anyone that is injured. You may want to inform the authorities that you do not know. Often there is a great deal of adrenaline going through your body and you may not know that you are seriously injured. [Read More]